Strategic Code Enforcement Depends on Resident Trust: Models from Syracuse and Austin 
Date & Time
Thursday, September 8, 2022, 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Libby Benton Daniel Word Shoshana Krieger Stephen Firischmuth Jake Dishaw Michelle Sczpanski
Empowering and engaging residents to improve their property conditions is key to equitable, effective strategic code enforcement. When code enforcement operations overcome tenant and residents’ distrust, fear, and lack of confidence in the city, they can build genuine relationships and partnerships that empower tenants and residents to take charge in their communities. In this session, city staff from Syracuse, New York and Austin, Texas will discuss how they have built resident trust, strengthened relationships with systemically harmed Black and Brown tenants and residents, and developed partnerships with local nonprofits to support tenants’ rights and efforts to improve neighborhood conditions. 
Session Type
Breakout Session